Activate ACE Multifactor Authentication with Voice Call

Activate ACE Multifactor Authentication with Voice Call

These instructions are for specific departments with specific use cases. If you have any questions about this, please contact the SOM Help Desk.

Voice Call Authentication should only be used when you do not have a device that can use Okta Verify or SMS Authentication. Voice Call Authentication requires that you be near the phone to receive the phone call and follow the instructions.

For ease of use, you are encouraged to use the Okta Verify app to authenticate when logging in with your ACE credentials if possible. This is recommended over the other options for speed and convenience.


Log into your Okta dashboard on your computer using your ACE credentials - ace.unlv.edu

If you have not yet set up any form of multifactor authentication for your ACE ID, you will automatically be taken to step 4.


Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen and choose Settings.


Scroll to Extra Verification section and select Set up next to Phone.

If you’ve already set up SMS verification, you will choose Set up another next to Phone instead.


Click Set up.


Select Voice call.

Enter your phone number, then select Receive a code via voice call.


You will then receive an automated phone call and will be given a code.

Enter this code in Enter Code, then select Verify.