Collaborating on a Request - Jira Service Desk

Collaborating on a Request - Jira Service Desk

Notify Team Member

  1. Click Share to email a link to the issue to other people on your team.

  2. Use @ mentions (@username) to mention a team member in a comment.

  3. Add watchers to involve other users from your Jira site. Watchers will be notified when someone leaves an internal comment or makes updates to the issue.



On the top of the right sidebar while viewing your issue, click the Share icon.


You can enter the name, team, or email address of who you’d like to share the issue with, as well as a message to them if desired. Click Send when finished.

You can also click Copy link to copy the link to the issue to share using whichever method of communication you prefer.



When adding a comment to an issue, use the @ symbol to prompt a list of internal users that you can tag. You can continue typing the name of the user and click on it when it appears, or scroll through the list to find the appropriate user.

When you click on the name, it will create a tag and notify them.



When viewing the issue, click the eye icon on the top of the right sidebar to open the watching menu.

Click Add watchers.


In the Add watchers text box, begin typing the name of the team member you want to see the request. Click on their name when it appears. They will receive notifications when the request is updated.

Notify Additional Customer

  • Add Request Participants to share the issue with other customers or organizations. Request Participants will receive the same notifications as the reporter (main customer).

Request Participants


While viewing the issue, find the Request participants section on the right sidebar.

Begin typing the name of the customer you want to notify of the request. Click on their name in the list below.