Phone Report Scheduling

Phone Report Scheduling


Click the Reporting link at the top right-hand side of your Cox dashboard.


Select a report template from the drop-down list. 

The page displays the input parameters for the report.


In Scope, select Call Center.

Select your queue in the dropdown menu.


Enter 25 in Service Level.


Choose Scheduled in Type.


Provide a name and description of the report.


Specify when the report should run.

Nonrecurrent report - the actual date and time to generate the report

For nonrecurrent reports, skip ahead to Step 10.

Recurrent report - when the report should be generated for the first time



“Never” indicates a one-time report


Recurring reports only

Set the recurrence pattern.


Recurring reports only

Set the recurrence range. Specify when the reporting should end. 


Specify the report time frame. This is the period of time for which you are requesting the report.

Nonrecurrent report - enter the actual dates and times

Recurrent report - select the time frame relative to the report generation time.

EXAMPLE: The previous month, previous five days, etc


Specify the sampling frequency. 


Specify the output format of the report. 

Select your preferred format (PDF, etc)


Enter the email addresses of the recipients of the report.


Enter the remaining parameters, as required.  


Click Schedule Report.

The report is scheduled. It will run at the specified times and be sent to the specified recipients.


A report time frame always has a beginning date/time and an end date/time. 

For a recurring report, the relative time frame is converted to the actual dates and times at the moment that the report is generated.

The actual time frame always starts at the top of the hour, day, week, month, or year and is based on the selected time zone and day of the week. 

For example, if a report is scheduled to run every day at 5:45 P.M. for the previous two hours, then the actual time frame of the report is from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. of the day when the report is run.


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