Reporting - Cox Supervisor Console

Reporting - Cox Supervisor Console

Call Center provides a robust set of reports.

The following reports are available to supervisors.

Agent Activity

(historical or real-time)

This provides metrics about an agents' call handling activities for a call center.

Agent Utilization


This provides metrics related to agents' call performance for a call center.

Queue Performance Analysis
(historical or real-time)

This displays metrics related to the performance of a call center ACD.

Service Level

This displays metrics related to the speed of answering ACD calls.

Wait Time


  • The call wait timer starts when calls begin to hold in the queue, as follows:

    • A call comes in and starts to hold in queue for available agent.

    • A call comes in, rings to an agent, is unanswered and bounces back to queue.

The wait timer does not start on calls that ring through the queue to an available agent, and are answered.


Enhanced reports are configurable, and the reports available to you depend on your own system configuration. For information, consult your administrator.

Note: Agents can only request reports about themselves.

Run Report

  1. On the Call Center main page, click the Reporting link.

  2. In the Report window, select the report type you want.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter the required information.

  4. Click Submit. The report appears in the Report window.

Refresh Report

Only real-time reports can be refreshed to show the most recent data.

  1. To refresh a report, click Refresh.

Print or Export Report

You can print a CCRS report or export it to a file that can be opened in Excel or in a text editor.

To print a report:

  1. Click Print at the bottom of the report.

To export a report to a file:

  1. At the bottom of the report, click Export and select Excel XML or CSV format.

  2. Specify the location where you want to save the file.

Run Enhanced Report

  1. On the Call Center main page, click the Reporting link.

  2. In the Report window, select the report type you want.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter the required information.

  4. Click Run Report. The report appears in the Report Window.

Schedule Enhanced Report

  1. On the Call Center main page, click the Reporting link.

  2. In the Report window, select the report type you want.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter the required information.

    1. For Type, select Scheduled.

    2. Provide the name and the description of the report.

    3. Specify the recurrence pattern of the report and the report time frame.

    4. Enter the e-mail addresses of the recipients of the report.

    5. Enter the remaining parameters.

  4. Click Schedule Report. The report is scheduled. It will run at the specified times and will be sent to the recipients configured in the report schedule.

Manage or Delete Scheduled Reports

  1. On the Call Center main page, click the Reporting link.

  2. From the drop-down list, select Scheduled Reports. A Scheduled Reports dialog box appears, listing the reports that you have scheduled.

  3. To edit a report, click the Load icon in the row for the report and modify the report as required.

  4. To delete a report, click the Delete icon in the row for the report.


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