Shortcuts - Google Meet

Shortcuts - Google Meet

Your keyboard may say “Win” instead of the Windows symbol.

Accessibility Features

*Requires a screen reader

Windows Key Combination

Mac Key Combination

What it Does

Windows Key Combination

Mac Key Combination

What it Does

Ctrl + Alt + s

Ctrl + ⌘ + s

Announce who is currently speaking

Ctrl + Alt + i

Ctrl + ⌘ + i

Announce current information about the room

Meeting Controls

Windows Key Combination

Mac Key Combination

What it Does

Windows Key Combination

Mac Key Combination

What it Does



Show or hide captions

Ctrl + e

⌘ + e

Turn on or off camera

Ctrl + d

⌘ + d

Mute or unmute your microphone

Ctrl + Alt + k

Ctr; + ⌘ + k

Increase the number of participant tiles

Ctrl + Alt + j

Ctrl + ⌘ + j

Decrease the number of participant tiles

Ctrl + Alt + c

Ctrl + ⌘ + c

Show or hide meeting chat window

Ctrl + Alt + p

Ctrl + ⌘ + p

Show or hide participants

Ctrl + Alt + h

Ctrl + ⌘ + h

Raise or lower your hand

Ctrl + Alt + m

Ctrl + ⌘ + m

Minimize or expand your video


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