Course Syllabus - WebCampus

Course Syllabus - WebCampus


In your course, click Syllabus on the course sidebar.
Click the Edit button to enter the edit view of the Syllabus page.


Click in the text box where to insert the document in the page. Delete the placeholder text.


Click on the Document button on the tool bar.

If you have already uploaded your Syllabus file into your course files, choose Course Documents.

A sidebar will appear on the right side of your screen, showing all of your course files. Choose the correct file to insert it into the page. It will now be a clickable link when viewing the page.

If you haven’t already uploaded your Syllabus file into your course files, choose Upload Document (instead of Course Documents) and upload the file from your computer. It will be inserted into the page and will become a clickable link.


Make the appropriate changes to the rest of the page content as needed.


When you are finished, click Update Syllabus.