KSOM VPN - Installation & Setup

KSOM VPN - Installation & Setup

The KSOM VPN allows you to connect your personal computer to the KSOM network while you are off-site.

Use of VPN is only needed when you are off-site & not connected to the SOM/UNLVMed networks.

Attempting to connect to VPN while on-site can cause significant errors and disruptions.

In this guide, you will learn how to:


Log into the VPN website with your SOM (formerly UNLVMed - computer) account.


Choose Download for Windows.


Once the installation file is downloaded, double-click on the file to launch the installer and follow the prompts.

  • Open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.

  • Enter vpn.ksom.unlv.edu and click Connect.


Connect using your SOM credentials.

  • Username: firstname.lastname


Once connected, the AnyConnect icon will show a lock.


After initial installation use the following instructions for day to day access:

KSOM VPN - Connect/Disconnect

Setting up a Remote Desktop Connection to an on-site machine (if applicable)

  • Not needed if you are using your work-provided laptop.


Open Remote Desktop by going to your computer’s Start Menu and typing in Remote Desktop Connection.


Click Show Options and fill out the requested information.

  • Computer: provided in an email

  • Username: unlvmed\firstname.lastname

  • Choose Save As.


Give the connection a name and save it to your desktop for easy access.


Click Connect. If prompted to trust the computer connection, choose Yes or Continue.


When finished, disconnect by opening the Windows Start Menu on the remote computer, click on the Profile Picture and choose Sign Out.


In the taskbar, right-click on the AnyConnect Client icon, choose Disconnect.

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