Release a print job using PIN Print - MEB

Release a print job using PIN Print - MEB

PIN Print allows for secure printing. The documents you send to the printer will not print until you are physically at the device, enter your PIN, and release the print job(s). This helps keep confidential or other sensitive information from being exposed to those who should not have access.

To set up PIN Printing, please contact the SOM Help Desk.

  1. Send the documents to the printer as usual.

  2. When you approach the printer, select Job Box.

  3. Choose Private Print/Stored Job.

  4. Enter your PIN number using the machine’s touchscreen.

  5. Select the job(s) that you want to release.

  6. Press Print. (This is a very small icon that is not where you would expect it to be)

Your documents will now print and can be immediately collected by you.

PIN Print must be set up for you on each individual printer. Enabling PIN Print only on the printer closest to your workspace does not mean you will be able to PIN Print on other printers. Please contact the SOM Help Desk for assistance with additional printers if needed.


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