Windows Shortcuts

Windows Shortcuts

There are numerous shortcuts that can make your Windows experience more smooth. We’ve compiled a list of some that will be the most useful for your use.

Your keyboard may say “Win” instead of the Windows symbol.

Key Combination

What it Does


Key Combination

What it Does


Ctrl + A

Select All

Highlight and select the full contents of a text box, document, web page, etc instead of clicking and dragging your mouse.

Ctrl + C


Copy the selected contents.

Ctrl + P


Paste the selected contents.

Ctrl + Z


Undo your most recent action, whether you accidentally deleted an entire paragraph in Word or deleted a file you didn’t mean to.

Ctrl + Esc

Open Start Menu

Open the full Windows Start Menu.

Win + L

Lock your computer

Lock your computer and take it to the login screen. Always lock your computer when walking away from your desk.

Win + S

Search your computer

Open the search function to search your PC for files, programs, etc.

Ctrl + W

Close window

Close the window you’re currently active in. If you have multiple windows open, make sure the window you want to close is the active window on your screen.

Win + D

Minimize all open windows

Minimize all of your open windows to show your desktop. Repeat the key command to maximize your windows again.

Win + Left Arrow / Win + Right Arrow

Snap your window to one side of the screen

Snap windows to the left and/or right side of your screen for efficient multi-tasking.

Alt + Tab

Switch multiple applications / Use the arrow keys to navigate through

Show all open programs and windows. Hold the keys and use the arrow keys to navigate through your open items.


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