Shared calendars - Google Calendar

Shared calendars - Google Calendar

Create a shared calendar


In Google Calendar, under the “Other Calendars” section on the left sidebar, click the + icon.


Choose Create new calendar.


Give your calendar a name, and a description if needed.


To share your calendar with others, navigate to the calendar’s Share with specific people section.


Add your users and provide appropriate access. See the table below for an explanation of access levels.

Access Levels

Make changes and manage sharing

Full permissions - can manage events as well as add users to the calendar.
We recommend giving at least one other person this level of permission.

Make changes to events

Can create and edit events, but can’t add other users to the calendar.

See all event details

Can see what the events are (name/description), who is invited, etc

See only free/busy (hide details)

Default - shows time slots that are taken, but does not provide information about the events.

For general access, in the Access permissions for events section, choose whether you want the average user to see your event details. Free/busy is the default for users who haven’t been specifically added to your calendar.

Add entries to a shared calendar


Open Google Calendar.


Click + Create in the top left corner.


Click More Options to be taken to the full page.


Fill out the form with the appropriate information about your event.

(Date, time, location, guests, etc)


Next to the calendar icon, there is a drop down menu with your name on it. Click the down arrow to display all of your shared calendars and select the correct one.


Click Save when finished.


The event will now appear on the shared calendar for all users with access to see.

If you put an event on the wrong calendar, you can correct this by editing the event and changing the calendar.

Add a shared calendar


On your Google Calendar home page, click the + on the left sidebar next to Other Calendars and choose Browse Resources.


Scroll down to MED and click the arrow to expand the list.


Check the boxes of the calendars you want to add to your calendar view.


After selecting the calendars, they will appear on the sidebar on your Google Calendar homepage.


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