UNLVMail - Delegated Account Access
Delegates can do things like
Send or reply to emails that were sent to you. When they send a message, their email address will show. For example, the sender will show as "sent by johnsmith@gmail.com."
Read messages sent to you
Delete messages sent to you
View and add to your contacts
Delegates can't do things like
Use Google Chat
Change the gmail password or access account settings
Unable to access encrypted emails
Access the delegated account
1 | Accept the email invitation to confirm delegate access. The invitation expires after one week and will need to be resent. | |
2 | Login to Gmail with your regular UNLVMail account. | |
3 | Click on the image or initial icon at the top right corner of your screen. In the drop-down menu that appears, the delegated mailbox will be visible. Click on the delegated account (If you have a lot of shared mailboxes, you may need to use the scrollbar on the right to view them all) | |
4 | The shared/delegated account will open in a new tab or window. It will look just like another inbox. Considering using Gmail themes to keep yourself organized. |
Additional information: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/138350?hl=en
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