Emergency Preparedness Guide

Emergency Preparedness Guide


In emergencies, individuals have to make quick decisions about how to handle a situation. Directions such as these are helpful, but cannot cover every possible sequence of events. Use your best judgment.

Never hesitate to call Campus Police or call 911 from campus phones or from cell phones if you need help. Safety is our main concern. Also remember to stay calm and don’t panic.

This document contains actions to take during some or most common emergencies and incidents that may have not already been addressed within the emergency action plan. Emergencies are defined as a dangerous or serious situation which occurs suddenly or unexpectedly that calls for immediate attention and action.

Remember, if it is determined to be an emergency call 911.

General Guidelines

The basic rule of thumb dealing with various emergency situations within the Medical Education Building is to:

Stay calm.

Give Emergency Personnel your name and the exact location you are calling from.

Clearly and concisely, describe the incident or situation and request assistance.

If you are in a situation in which you feel threatened with bodily harm and feel that picking up the telephone to call Emergency Personnel would jeopardize your well-being, remain calm, remove yourself from the area if possible and call when you feel it is safe.

When Emergency Personnel arrive, be prepared to direct them to where the incident occurred and answer any questions they may have.

For emergency situations involving staff members, call 911 and notify KSOM Facilities Operations at 702-895-0451.

Always notify your supervisor of an emergency or incident.

Always notify your fellow staff members. They can be extra eyes to watch for future problems and provide additional assistance.

Campus Contact Numbers



CALL 911


University Police Non-Emergency


University Police Emergency


Laboratory materials, environmental releases or chemical exposures (24 hours, non-emergency) - Nevada Dept. of Environmental Protection


Student Health Center


Counseling Services


Facilities Services/ Help Desk


Campus Escort Service - Campus Police


Scheduling Services (classroom issues) - Student Affairs


Help Desk (computer support)

(800) 992-5757

Crisis Call Center (crisis situations including sexual assault)

(800) 273-TALK (8255)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Department of Environmental and Occupational Health

Patron Relations

Medical Clinics and the Medical Education Building are public buildings and as such we have to deal with many different kinds of patrons. To this end, it is advised to always treat others with respect and offer any assistance when necessary. The following is a general guide in dealing with various types of patrons:

  • Speak calmly and firmly; do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

  • Do not argue with the person, or take his or her anger personally.

  • Never touch or try to restrain a person.

  • Listen supportively, with empathy and understanding.

  • Acknowledge that you hear what the person is telling you.

  • Explain the policies and procedures that pertain to the situation.

  • Describe steps that can be taken to solve the problem.

  • If you cannot resolve a complaint, refer it to your supervisor.

  • Try to move the person to a non-public area (without isolating yourself) to minimize disturbance to others.

  • Obtain a written statement from others involved, as appropriate.

  • Contact University Police if you are concerned about your safety, the safety of others or possible damage to university property or 911 if considered an emergency.

Suspicious Patrons

What is a suspicious activity? Something that is not normal. For example, if you see someone that is pacing around in an area, this would not be normal. If you do observe someone acting suspicious, do the following:

  • Contact Building Security or University Police.

  • Keep an eye on the individual until personnel arrive. Note general information (such as appearance, physical actions and behavioral state) that can help others in assessing the situation further.

Verbally Abusive Patrons

Abusive behavior is not tolerated in any form. If someone is being verbally insulting or threatening:

Remain calm and try to calm the patron down by offering suggestions.

If you cannot resolve the situation yourself, contact your supervisor.

If the situation continues to escalate, contact Building Security or University Police and request assistance.

If necessary, contact the Administration office (during business hours).

Violent Patrons

Individuals who physically assault other people or damage Campus Property are considered to be violent. If you come across a violent patron, remember:

Remain calm. If you feel threatened, retreat to a safe place.

Contact/ Call 911 or University Police if not an emergency.

It is recommended that you do not attempt to restrain the patron yourself.

Menacing / Criminal Behavior

If you witness violent or criminal behavior (assault, robbery, theft) anywhere on University property, the following procedures should be followed:

Call 911 from campus phones or 911 from cell phones immediately.

Supply the 911 dispatcher with as much of the following information as possible:

Your name

Your contact information (e.g., cell phone number)

Nature of incident

Location of incident

Description of person(s) involved

Description of property involved

Description of weapon(s), if any involved

If you are a witness, or were in the area at the time of the incident, you will need to assist the police when they arrive by giving them any additional information

In most situations involving menacing or criminal behavior, the key is to remain calm.

Possession of a Weapon

A weapon may be defined as any dangerous object designed or used to inflict bodily harm. This not only includes guns and knives, but any item which is wielded with the intention to harm another (ex. hammer, pipe, chair, etc.). If you suspect that a patron is carrying a weapon:

Alert the rest of the staff immediately.

Do not provoke a confrontation. Keep your distance!

Contact University Police immediately. Give an accurate description of the person.

Sexual Harassment/ Discrimination

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) is committed to providing a place of work and learning free of sexual harassment and/ or discrimination. Where sexual harassment/ discrimination is found to have occurred, NSHE will act to stop the harassment, to prevent its recurrence, and to discipline those responsible in accordance with the NSHE Code or, in the case of classified employees, the Nevada Administrative Code. Sexual harassment is also considered a form of discrimination; it is illegal.

No employee or student, either in the workplace or in the academic environment, should be subject to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct that is sexual or discrimitoryin nature. Sexual Harassment and discrimination refers to behavior of a sexual or discrimitory nature that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, and that interferes with performance. It is expected that students, faculty and staff will treat one another with respect.

If this behavior is observed, contact the Administration office immediately.

Telephone Harassment

If you are receiving harassing or obscene phone calls, hang up immediately. Talk with your supervisor about the incident. If the calls persist, notify the Administration office. The following are suggested guidelines in dealing with patrons over the phone:

If a caller is upset about a policy or a bill, speak calmly and firmly.

Listen to the complaint, clarify and explain the policy.

If the patron is still not satisfied, suggest that s/he speak to your supervisor. If the supervisor is not available, give the supervisor's name, phone number, and hours when s/he can be reached.

If the patron becomes abusive or unreasonable, state calmly that you are going to terminate the call, and then do so.

Theft of Materials

Theft is defined as: The taking of another’s personal or private property with the intent of depriving that person or entities of the use of that property

If an incident of theft is noticed :

  • Always assume the innocence of the patron.

  • If the person leaves without stopping or leaves with the materials, do not follow the person. Be sure to notice what the person looks like and give an accurate description to Building Security and University Police.

If theft of materials is observed:

  • Try to get another witness, if at all possible.

  • Do not talk to, detain or follow the person.

  • Give an accurate description of materials and/or person to Security, or Police.

Theft of Personal Items

Contact University Police and fill out an incident report.


For a variety of reasons, a patron may need to be trespassed from the property. Always contact University Police to file a report and to have the person trespassed. Be sure to get a picture of the individual so it can be shared among staff. If you feel that you have seen an individual who has been trespassed, contact University Police immediately so an assessment can be conducted.


If you witness or come upon vandalism or defacement of Medical Education Building property:

  • Try to find another witness to the actions.

  • Do not talk to, detain, or follow the person(s).

  • Note details to be able to give an accurate description of the situation and individual(s).

  • Take pictures; contact Building Security, Campus Police, and Facilities to investigate the site.

Civil Disturbance/Demonstrations

Most campus demonstrations are peaceful and people not involved should carry on business as usual. However, one should always avoid provoking or obstructing demonstrators. If the demonstration seems to threaten staff, students, patrons or property, call the University Police for assistance. Of course, if you feel threatened in any manner, alert others and move to a safe place.


Building Evacuation

On occasion you may, without notice, be asked to evacuate the building. The reasons for this could be fire alarms, bomb threats, natural gas leaks, etc. When you are notified to evacuate, follow these procedures:

Anytime an evacuation order is issued, either by alarm or verbally, evacuate immediately.

If possible, close all doors and walk to the nearest exit (see posted evacuation maps). It is not necessary to lock doors. If the alarm stops sounding, continue evacuation and warn others who may attempt to enter the building.

Assist disabled persons or visitors to leave the building.

Do not use elevators.

Proceed to the Designated Assembly Point.

Keep streets and sidewalks open for emergency personnel.

Do not return to the building until directed to do so.

The silencing of audible sirens or horns does NOT mean it is safe to re-enter the building.

It is University policy to notify the Fire Department anytime there is an evacuation situation. The fire department may issue citations to persons who do not evacuate during an evacuation.

Emergency Codes and Definitions




PURPLE - Activate lockdown procedures for nearby threats within the community.


BLACK - Activate response to a bomb threat or the discovery of a suspicious package.


SILVER - Activate facility and staff response to an event in which staff members are confronted by persons brandishing a weapon or who have taken hostages in the medical facility. 


GRAY - Activate facility and staff response when an abusive/assaultive person confronts the staff.



ORANGE - Identify unsafe exposure conditions, safely evacuate an area, and protect others from exposure to hazardous materials release. Perform procedures in response to a minor or significant spill.


BLUE - Facilitate the arrival of equipment and specialized personnel to the location of a medical emergency. Provide life support and emergency care.


RED - Procedures staff should follow to protect patients, staff, visitors, themselves, and property from a confirmed or suspected fire. 


YELLOW – Staff should follow evacuation protocols for their building and meet in the employee assembly area as illustrated and wait for further instructions. 


GREEN – Threat or Dangerous situation has ended - Resume Operations. 

Imminent Threat/Lockdown Procedures

  1. Call 911 from campus phones or from cell phones when there is an imminent threat to life. Notify those around you and anyone you can that is outside. Use your best judgment about the safety of doing so. Lock doors.

  2. Move to a location within the building that has a lockable door and lock it, or:

    1. Use a door wedge to secure the door from inside

    2. Stack furniture in front of the door

  3. Hide. Get out of the line of sight and shelter in place.

    1. Get away from windows, doors, and outer walls, especially basement or first floor windows and doors.

    2. Crouch down in areas that are out of sight from doors and windows, such as behind furniture or the wall nearest the view from outside the room.

    3. Close, cover, turn off, or lock, if possible, windows, blinds, window in the door, lights, ventilation.

  4. Be Quiet. Do not draw attention to yourself.

    1. Don’t talk

    2. Turn off audio equipment.

    3. Turn off cell phones and radios or turn to vibrate.

  5. Do not exit the building when a fire alarm sounds unless

    1. you have reason to believe that there really is a fire in the building, or

    2. you have been advised by a recognized emergency responder to evacuate.

  6. Be ready to move, if your current position is judged to be too dangerous. Be aware of possible escape routes.

Emergency personnel will notify occupants when it is safe to resume normal activities.

Bomb Threat

  1. If you see a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus, DO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECT. Clear the area and immediately call 911 from campus phones or 911 from cell phones.

  2. In the area of concern, do not open any drawers or cabinets. Do not use any cell phones or two-way radios. Do not turn on or off any electrical devices, light switches, radios or other kinds of electronic devices.

  3. All faculty, staff, and students will be evacuated from building(s) and should proceed to the Designated Assembly Area for a head count. Keep walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.

  4. An investigation will be conducted and no one will be allowed to re-enter a building until the police have determined it to be safe.

If you receive a bomb threat over the telephone:

  • Be calm and courteous. Listen and do not interrupt the caller.

  • Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and do not hang up.

  • Write down the caller ID number and the exact time of the call.

  • If a student is answering the phones, have a staff member take the call if possible.

  • Signal someone to call the police.

  • Write down everything the caller says.

  • Make an educated guess as to the caller’s sex, age, race, and accent.

  • Identify any background noises.

  • Even after the caller hangs up, keep the phone off the hook so the police can attempt to trace the call.

  • Discuss this matter only with administrators to ensure that misinformation does not cause panic.

  • Meet the responding police outside or designate a person to meet the police. The officer will determine if the building is to be evacuated.



Stay in the building. Do not evacuate.

Duck, cover, and hold – Take shelter under a desk, table, in a doorway or similar place.

Stay away from overhead fixtures, windows, filing cabinets, and bookcases.

If you are outside, move away from buildings, trees, power lines and roadways.


Quickly gather your keys, wallets, purses, etc. and evacuate the building following Building Evacuation Procedures in this guide.

Go to the Designated Assembly Area and wait for instructions from emergency personnel.

Report any injured or trapped persons and safety hazards:

fire, electrical, gas leaks, etc.

Do not leave the Designated Assembly Area or re-enter the building until directed by an authorized person.

Do not use telephones. Leave lines open for emergency use.

Avoid using telephones except for emergencies.



Call 911 from campus phones or 911 from cell phones and notify another staff member.

Only properly trained employees should attempt to extinguish a fire. Use fire extinguishers as an egress tool only.

Walk quickly in an orderly fashion to the nearest building exit and promptly vacate the facility following Building Evacuation Procedures in this guide. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. USE THE STAIRS. Try to assist anyone who is disabled or injured to evacuate.

Proceed to the Designated Assembly Area and await further instructions.

To reduce fire or smoke damage, close all doors and windows when leaving the room and the hallways if you have time.

Report any hazardous conditions to the Fire Department or call 911.

Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.


Stay close to the floor where the air is less toxic.

Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.

If smoke is entering the room through cracks in the door, stuff wet clothing in the cracks to slow the flow.

If your clothes catch fire, drop to the floor and roll to smother the fire, or smother the fire with a blanket, rug, or heavy coat.


Residual dangers may exist. Do not re-enter the building without official authorization from Emergency Personnel.


Serious water damage can occur from a number of sources such as broken pipes, clogged drains and broken skylights or windows. If a water leak occurs:

Remain calm.

Contact Facility Operations and provide as much detail as possible as to the exact location and severity of the leak.

Notify your supervisor of the extent and location of the leak.

If there are electrical appliances or electrical outlets near the leak, use extreme caution. If there is any possible danger, evacuate the area.

If you know the source of the water and are confident of your ability to stop it (i.e. unclog the drain, turn off water, etc.) do so cautiously.

Address any hazards that could result in a fire. THIS INCLUDES:

Turning off gas, electricity and water.

Securing gasoline and other flammable material containers to prevent leakage.

Hazardous Materials Release


STOP and THINK. Stop working. Stop the spill.

Assess the situation:

  • How big is the spill?

  • Has it made contact with your skin or clothing?

WARN Others

  • Call 911 if there is a medical emergency or danger to life, health, or the environment.

  • Alert people in the area.

ISOLATE the Area

  • Restrict access.

  • Determine the extent of the spill.

  • Keep doors closed.

MONITOR Yourself Carefully and Completely

  • Check yourself for any contamination or signs/symptoms of exposure (wet clothing, skin or respiratory irritation).

  • Remove contaminated clothing and place in a plastic bag.

  • Perform decontamination procedures.

STAY Near the Area Until Help Arrives

  • Minimize your movements.

  • Have persons knowledgeable of incident assist responders.

  • Notify your supervisor.


  • You are aware of the hazards and cleanup procedures.

  • There is no potential for personal or environmental damage.

  • The appropriate spill cleanup equipment is available.

  • Two people can clean the spill thoroughly in an hour.


Call RMS at 702-895-4226.

Utilize Safety Data Sheets where applicable.


Call 911.

Ventilation Issues

Temperature variations or improper ventilation, contact Facilities Operations.

If there are unusual odors or fumes in an area, notify your immediate supervisor. If odors become too strong or unpleasant, leave the area and notify others.

If smoke is seen coming from ventilation ducts, call 911 from campus phones or 911 from cell phones.

Power Outage

A number of our facilities are equipped with an emergency generator. If a power outage occurs the best thing to do is to wait a minute. Most times it will take a minute or two for power to be restored. Computer systems may have to reboot and should come on automatically. If that is not the case then contact Facilities Operations to notify the appropriate people.

Elevator Issues

If you notice an elevator is taking a long time when called or the floor indicator light is flashing, contact Facilities Operations.

If you become trapped in an elevator, use the emergency call button on the main panel to call for assistance. A light next to the call button should activate, stating that a call has been placed and that help is on the way.

If the phone is not working, press the alarm button on the main panel.

If you find that someone is trapped within the elevator, contact University Police. Keep in verbal contact with the individual until help arrives.

Building Evacuation Maps

Please check with your building administrator for the most up to date version of evacuation maps.

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