Using Jamboard on a Computer - Google Jamboard

Using Jamboard on a Computer - Google Jamboard

Jamboard Interface


  • Brush - Double-click to change brush type and color.

  • Eraser - Erase annotations and drawings.

  • Select - Select and move items.

  • Sticky Note - Create a sticky note that can be moved around the board.

  • Image - Add an image from a variety of sources.

  • Shape - Double-click to change shape.

  • Text Box - Add a text box that can be moved around the board.

  • Laser Pointer - Use this tool to draw attention to items on the board. The lines automatically disappear.

Undo/Redo | Zoom | Set an image as background | Clear everything from the frame | Create a new frame

Save a Jam

Click the three dots in the top-right corner, and choose your method of saving.

Download as PDF - Downloads the entire jam, including all frames (pages) as a PDF.

Save frame as image - Saves the single frame you are viewing as an image file.



Document Markup

At this time, only image files can be added into Jamboard for direct drawing and markup. This means files like Word documents or PDF files cannot be directly drawn on using Jamboard.

This leaves you with two options:

  1. Take screenshots of documents and add them into Jamboard for markup.

  2. Copy and paste text into a text box on Jamboard for markup.


All computers have a screenshot/print screen feature. It may function slightly differently depending on the model of your computer. Look on your keyboard for a key that says “Print Screen, PrntScrn, PrtSc, etc.” If it is on a key that is shared with another, like “Shift” for example, you will have to press the function (fn) key at the same time as the Print Screen key. This will copy your entire screen to your keyboard.

Once you have copied your screen, go to your Jamboard and use the Ctrl+V keyboard function to paste your screenshot. You can then resize the image using the blue frame around the image.

You can now use the annotation tools as usual. Please note that if you resize or move the image after marking it, the markings will not change or move with the image.