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Preferred name or Legal name change:

preferred name change is when you would like your display name on your university accounts to reflect a preferred name, such as a nickname. This includes updating your UNLVMail email address. Your preferred name will not replace your legal name. Your legal name will still show in various systems.

legal name change is when you legally change your name on official IDs. You will need to submit proof of the new name before it is updated.

Employee preferred name:

  1. Go to Workday

  2. In the search bar, enter Change My Preferred Name

  3. Choose task Change My Preferred Name

  4. Disable Use Legal Name As Preferred Name

  5. Enter your new preferred name

  6. Select Submit

  7. Submit requests to update UNLVMail and SOM account:

    1. UNLVMail - Submit account name change form

  8. SOM account - Email

Employee legal name:

Employees must submit a legal name change in Workday, or contact Human Resources department.


  1. Enter your new legal name

  2. Upload the supporting documentation, such as a new social security card

  3. Select Submit

  4. Submit requests to update UNLVMail and SOM account:

    1. UNLVMail - Submit account name change form

    2. SOM account - Email

What happens when my username is changed?

  • Current account username/email address are updated. A new email address is not created.

  • Network file shares, Google Drive, Google Mail are not impacted.





Send an email to the appropriate HR department: /

(Workday must be updated before proceeding with next requests)


OIT Name Change Form


Send an email to


Epic Request Form