To use voice recognition within Epic, departments must purchase Clinically Speaking and an approved microphone.
Clinically Speaking Purchase Process
Clinic administrator must contact contacts Christie Putman (christie.putman@unlv.edu) to notify her of the with the following:
Name of department
Name of doctor who wishes to utilize the program
Clinic administrator will need to agree to pay Clinically Speaking ($100 monthly fee) and purchase a dictation microphone, Nuance Dictaphone PowerMic II
Christie will send them the Amazon link to the dictation microphone.
Christie submits the request to have the doctor added to our account.
Once she receives notice that the account is active, she will provide the administrator with the account information and tell them to create a help request to get the application downloaded on the doctor’s computer.manage the purchase of Clinically Speaking and provide account information to the clinic administrator/doctor
Clinic administrator will submit a ticket to the Help Desk to have the application installed on the specified computer